Stung Sen River
In March of this year (2011) The Lake Clinic began providing health care to villages along the Stung Sen River. The Stung Sen runs from the "neck" of the Tonle Sap--where the Tonle Sap River meets the Tonle Sap Lake--and follows an extremely serpentine path North and East to ultimately end near the Thai border. During the low season--when lake water levels can be less than 50cm--the TLC-1 has been moved to the Stung Sen. Services to the floating villages in Siem Reap and Kompong Thom continue using rented boats. To view a map of the combined coverage areas of The Lake Clinic please click here.
TLC's "Team B" has had 1300 cases in these past two months. Doctor Korng Sombun is leading that team along with the occasional volunteer. (Thank you Charo. Thank you Hal.) The TLC-1's skipper, Aly, is there along with our new midwife, Chhoum Sary.
Prior to beginning services on the Stung Sen, the TLC team surveyed the area from Chhnuk Tru to Kompong Thom Town. Here are some images from that time.

Dr. Hal Kussick provides treatment while TLC-1's pilot, mechanic and cook takes on the role of assistant.
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